Full list with citations
- Varga, Gy., Gresina, F., Gelencsér, A., Csávics, A., Rostási, Á. (2025). Desert dust and photovoltaic energy forecasts: Lessons from 46 Saharan dust events in Hungary (Central Europe). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 212. 115446
- Varga, Gy., Gresina, F., Szeberényi, J., Gelencsér, A., Rostási, Á. (2024). Effect of Saharan dust episodes on the accuracy of photovoltaic energy production forecast in Hungary (Central Europe). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 193. 114289
- Varga, Gy., Csávics, A., Szeberényi, J., Gresina, F. (2024). Non-uniform tropospheric NO2 level changes in European Union caused by governmental COVID-19 restrictions and geography. City and Environment Interactions
- Gammoudi, N., Kovács, J., Gresina, F., Varga Gy. (2024). Combined use of HYSPLIT model and MODIS aerosols optical depth to study the spatiotemporal circulation patterns of Saharan dust events over Central Europe. Aeolian Research 67-69. 100899
- Varga, Gy., Rostási, Á., Meiramova, A., Dagsson-Waldhauserová, P., & Gresina, F. (2023). Increasing frequency and changing nature of Saharan dust storm events in the Carpathian Basin (2019–2023)–the new normal?. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 72(4), 319-337.
- Varga, Gy; Meinander, O.; Rostási, Á.; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P.; Csávics, A ; Gresina, F. (2023). Saharan, Aral-Caspian and Middle East dust travels to Finland (1980-2022). Environment International Paper: 108243
- Gresina, F ; Farkas, B ; Fábián, Sz Á ; Szalai, Z ; Varga, Gy. (2023). Morphological analysis of mineral grains from different sedimentary environments using automated static image analysis. Sedimentary Geology 455 Paper: 106479
- Rostási, Á., Topa, B.A., Gresina, F., Weiszburg, T.G., Gelencsér, A., Varga, Gy. (2022). Saharan dust deposition in Central Europe in 2016 : a representative year of the increased North African dust removal over the last decade. Frontiers in Earth Science 10 Paper: 869902
- Meinander, O. et al. (feat. Varga, Gy.). (2022). Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high-latitude dust sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (17) 11889-11930.
- Szalai, Z., Ringer, M. et al. (feat. Varga, Gy.) (2021). Accelerated soil development due to seasonal water-saturation under hydric conditions. Geoderma 401 Paper: 115328
- Varga, Gy., Dagsson-Waldhauserová; P., Gresina, F., Helgadottir, A. (2021). Saharan dust and giant quartz particle transport towards Iceland. Scientific Reports 11. 11891
- Varga, Gy. (2020). Changing nature of Saharan dust deposition in the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe): 40 years of identified North African dust events (1979–2018). Environment International 139. 105712
- Varga, Gy., Gresina, F., Újvári, G., Kovács, J., Szalai, Z. (2019). On the reliability and comparability of laser diffraction grain size measurements of paleosols in loess records. Sedimentary Geology 389, pp. 42-53.
- Varga, Gy., Újvári, G., Kovács, J. (2019). Interpretation of sedimentary (sub)populations extracted from grain size distributions of Central European loess-paleosol series. Quaternary International 502, Part A, pp. 60-70.
- Roettig, C-B., Varga, Gy., Sauer, D., Kolb, T., Wolf, D., Makowsky, V., Recio Espejo, J. M., Zöller, L. and Faust, D. (2019) Characteristics, nature and formation of palaeosurfaces within dunes on Fuerteventura. Quaternary Research 91, pp. 4-23.
- Király, Cs., Falus, Gy., Gresina, F., Jakab, G., Szalai, Z., Varga, Gy. (2019). Granulometric properties of particles in Upper Miocene sandstones from thinsections, Szolnok Formation, Hungary. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 68 4, pp. 341-353.
- Király, Cs., Szalai, Z., Varga Gy., Falus, Gy. (2019). Homokkő szemcseméret- és szemcsealak-elemzése vékonycsiszolatokból Morphologi G3ID-vel. Földtani Közlöny 149, pp. 25-34.
- Varga, Gy, Roettig, C.-B. (2018). Identification of Saharan dust particles in Pleistocene dune sand-paleosol sequences of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 67 (2), pp. 121-141.
- Varga, Gy., Kovács, J., Szalai, Z., Cserháti, Cs., Újvári, G., (2018). Granulometric characterization of paleosols in loess series by automated static image analysis. Sedimentary Geology 370, pp. 1-14.
- Zacháry, D., Filep, T., Jakab, G., Varga, Gy., Ringer, M., Szalai, Z. (2018). Kinetic parameters of soil organic matter decomposition in soils under forest in Hungary. Geoderma Regional 14, e00187
- Újvári, G., Stevens, T., Molnár, M., Demény, A., Fabrice, L., Varga, Gy., Jull, A.J.T., Páll-Gergely, B., Buylaert, J.P., Kovács, J. (2017). Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(50), pp. E10632-E10638
- Varga, Gy, Cserháti, Cs., Kovács, J., Szalai, Z. (2016). Saharan dust deposition in the Carpathian Basin and its possible effects on interglacial soil formation. Aeolian Research 22. pp. 1-12.
- Újvári, G., Kok, J.F., Varga, Gy., Kovács, J. (2016). The physics of wind-blown loess: Implications for grain size proxy interpretations in Quaternary paleoclimate studies. Earth-Science Reviews 154. pp. 247–278.
- Varga, Gy. (2015). Changing nature of pleistocene interglacials – is it recorded by paleosoils in Hungary (Central Europe)? Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64. (4) pp. 313–322.
- Varga, Gy., Újvári, G., Kovács, J. (2014). Spatiotemporal patterns of Saharan dust outbreaks in the Mediterranean Basin. Aeolian Research 15. pp. 151–160.
- Varga, Gy., Cserháti Cs., Kovács, J., Szeberényi, J., Bradák, B. (2014). Unusual Saharan dust events in the Central European Carpathian Basin in 2013 and early 2014. Weather 69. (11) pp. 309–313.
- Bradák, B., Kiss, K., Barta, G., Varga, Gy., Szeberényi, J., Józsa, S., Novothny, Á., Kovács, J., Markó, A., Mészáros, E., Szalai, Z. (2014). Different paleoenvironments of Late Pleistocene age identified in Verőce outcrop, Hungary: Preliminary results. Quaternary International 319. pp. 119–136.
- Varga, Gy., Bradák, B., Szeberényi, J. (2014). Geographical distribution and geomorphological characteristics of major global dust source areas. In: Jakab, G., Szalai, Z. (Eds.) Talajpusztulás térben és időben: az "Eróziós kerekasztal 2013" közleményei. pp. 40–46.
- Varga, Gy., Kovács, J., Újvári, G., (2013) Analysis of Saharan dust intrusions into the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe) over the period of 1979-2011. Global and Planetary Change 100. pp. 333–342.
- Kovács, J. – Raucsik, B. – Varga, A. – Újvári, G. – Varga, Gy. – Ottner, F. (in press). Clay mineralogy of red clay deposits from the Central Carpathian Basin (Hungary): Implications for Plio/Pleistocene chemical weathering and paleoclimate. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 22. pp. 414–426.
- Bradák, B., Kiss, K., Barta, G., Varga, Gy., Szeberényi, J., Józsa, S., Novothny, Á., Kovács, J., Markó, A., Mészáros, E., Szalai, Z. (in press). Different paleoenvironments of Late Pleistocene age identified in Verőce outcrop, Hungary: Preliminary results. Quaternary International
- Varga, Gy. (2012) Spatio-temporal distribution of dust storms – a global coverage using NASA Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer aerosol measurements (1979–2011). Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 61. (4) pp. 275–298.
- Varga, Gy. − Kovács, J. − Újvári, G. (2012). Late Pleistocene variations of the background aeolian dust concentration in the Carpathian Basin: an estimate using decomposition of grain-size distribution curves of loess deposits. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences – Geologie en Mijnbouw 91. (1–2) pp. 159–171.
- Varga Gy. (2013). A Kárpát-medence légköri ásványi porkoncentrációjának alakulása a pleisztocén során. (Atmospheric mineral dust concentration during the Pleistocene in the Carpathian Basin – in Hungarian with English abstract) Légkör 58. (3) pp. 119–124.
- Varga Gy. (2012). Szaharai eredetű por a Kárpát-medence légkörében. (Saharan dust in the atmosphere of the Carpathian Basin – in Hungarian with English abstract). Földrajzi Közlemények 136. (2) pp. 106–124.
- Varga, Gy. (2012). Az eolikus por mennyiségének változásai a Kárpát-medencében a pliocéntől napjainkig, a globális folyamatok tükrében (Changes of the aeolian dust content of the Carpathian Basin since the Pliocene with a global coverage – in Hungarian with English summary). PhD Thesis, 118 p.
- Varga Gy. (2012). Szaharai eredetű porviharok a Földközi-tenger térségében. Természetföldrajzi Közlemények a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Földrajzi Intézetéből 1. (1) pp. 43–56.
- Varga, Gy. (2011). Similarities among the Plio–Pleistocene terrestrial aeolian dust deposits in the world and in Hungary. Quaternary International 234. (1–2) pp. 98–108.
- Kovács, J. − Fábián, Sz. Á. − Varga, G. − Újvári, G. − Varga, Gy. − Dezső, J. (2011). Plio−Pleistocene red clay deposits in the Pannonian Basin: A review. Quaternary International 240 (1–2) pp. 35–43.
- Újvári G. – Páll-Gergely B. – Varga Gy. (2011). Előzetes adatok a Gödöllői-dombság porfelhalmozódási és őskörnyezeti viszonyaihoz az utolsó 30 ezer évben. (Preliminary data to dust accumulation and paleoenvironmental conditions at the Gödöllő Hills during the last 30 kyr – in Hungarian with English abstract) Archeometriai Műhely 2. pp. 175–180.
- Újvári, G. – Kovács, J. – Varga, Gy. – Raucsik, B. – Marković, S.B. (2010). Dust flux estimates for the Last Glacial Period in East Central Europe based on terrestrial records of loess deposits: a review. Quaternary Science Reviews 29. pp. 3157–3166.
- Varga Gy. (2010). Gondolatok a porviharok és a klimatikus, környezeti folyamatok összefüggéseiről. (On the relationships between dust storms and climatic processes – in Hungarian with English abstract) Földrajzi Közlemények 134 (1) pp. 1−14.
- Kovács, J. − Varga, Gy. − Dezső, J. (2008). Comparative study on the Late Cenozoic red clay deposits from China and Central Europe (Hungary). Geological Quarterly 52 (4) pp. 369-382.
- Varga Gy. (2007). Hasonlóságok a világ legidősebb löszfeltárásai és a Kárpát-medence idős löszei között. (Similarities of the oldest loesses in the World and Hungary – in Hungarian) Modern Geográfia 2007. 2. Issue. 19 p.
Book chapters
- Kovács, J. – Varga, Gy. (2013). Loess. In: Bobrowsky, P. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. United States, Springer pp. 637–638.
- Schweitzer, F. – Babák, K. – Fábián, Sz.Á. – Görcs, N.L. – Kovács, I.P. – Pozsár, V. – Radvánszky, B. – Varga, G. – Varga, Gy. (2012). Geomorfológia. In: Dövényi, Z. (Ed.) A Kárpát-medence földrajza. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest pp. 247–331.
- Varga Gy. (2010). Plio−Pleisztocén hullóporos eredetű üledékek a Kárpát-medencében: vörösagyag és lösz. (Plio-Plesitocene aeolian dust deposits in the Carpathian Basin: loess and red clay – in Hungarian) In: Görcs N. L. − Pirisi G. (Eds.) Tér − Tálentum − Tanítványok II. pp. 189−198.
- Varga Gy. − Bugya T. (2009). A porviharok környezeti hatásai. (The environmental effects of dust storms – in Hungarian) In: Szabó-Kovács B. − Tóth J. − Wilhelm Z. (Eds.) Környezetünk természeti-társadalmi dimenziói. pp. 127−138.
- Konrád Gy. − Kovács J. − Szederkényi T. − Halász A. − Varga Gy. − Pozsár V. (2009). Gondolatok a környezetföldrajz és a környezetföldtan feladatairól. (On the challenges of environmental geography and environmental geology – in Hungarian) In: Fábián Sz. Á. & Kovácsi I. P. (Eds.) Az édesvízi mészkövektől a sivatagi kérgekig. Pécs, pp. 81–91.
- Kovács, J. − Pozsár, V. − Varga, Gy. (2008). Pliocene palaeoclimate and red clay formation in the Carpathian Basin. In: Lóczy, D. − Tóth, J. − Trócsányi, A. (Eds.). Progress in Geography in the European Capital of Culture 2010. Pécs, 2008. Geographia Pannonica Nova 3. Institute of Geography University of Pécs, Imedias Publisher. pp. 231-239.
Conference Proceedings
- Varga Gy. (2009). A negyedidőszak és a pleisztocén. (The Quaternary and the Pleistocene in Hungarian) In: Varga G. (Ed.) 100 éves a jégkorszak: A jégkorszaki klímaváltozások kutatása Penck-Brücknertől napjainkig (1909−2009). Konferencia terepi vezető. pp. 5−11. (2009. 10. 01 − 2009. 10. 03. Pécs, Hungary)
- Varga Gy. − Kis É. (2009). Beremend idős lösz–paleotalaj sorozata. (The old loess-paleosol series of the Beremend site – in Hungarian) In: Varga G. (Ed.) 100 éves a jégkorszak: A jégkorszaki klímaváltozások kutatása Penck-Brücknertől napjainkig (1909−2009). Konferencia terepi vezető. pp. 35–42. (2009. 10. 01 − 2009. 10. 03. Pécs, Hungary)
- Kovács, J. − Fábián, Sz. Á. − Varga, G. − Kovács, I. P. − Varga, Gy. (2008). Thixotropic wedges or frost cracks: a review from the Pannonian Basin (Hungary, Europe). In: Kane, D. L. − Hinkel, K. M. (Eds.) Ninth International Conference on Permafrost: Extended Abstracts. pp. 147–148. (2008. 06. 29 − 2008. 07. 03. Fairbanks, Alaska (USA).)